I (finally) made my logo!

Hi Guys and Gals! Today after coming home from work where I had a very odd day, (but I won't get into it) I came home and since I have a thirty day trial of CS6 (Photoshop) I started to work on all of the projects I had on hold (since my last trial of photoshop) one of those projects was making a logo. I had sketched out some ideas but all of my logo's would change on a weekly basis until today when I sat down and managed to create a logo for myself. I honestly spent six hours now fighting with the pen tool. I had originally made a logo after three hours, but what ended up happening was that it wouldn't show up on the background, so I got angry with it and just started another one.
Any who.
So the confused kitty that you see on the banner is now my new logo!
I hope its not too much galaxy theme for you! I will try to make more banner for my Youtube and such so its not too much Galaxy background because even I feel I am overdoing it as well.
Let me know your thoughts below/
Also lately (by lately I mean these past six hours) all of the songs I have been listening to have been giving me a headache; until I remembered that I had Sixpence and None the Richer on my iTunes. Listening to these songs reminds me of when I was a kid all over again.


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