After the Midnight Show
Finals are finally over! I can only express a bit of relief momentarily, because I feel I will soon be stressed out by all of it all over again. Not that theres anything wrong, but I finally feel like I can breathe. (-Cue G-Dragon's "Breathe."-) Thankfully I only had two finals, but don't be deceived both of those classes were four to six hours long, and the projects, and homework equally as rigorous.
Although funnily enough when I was studying for my math final, and had just settled into intense cramming position this bug comes out of nowhere in my table, so I ran out of there and ran for the bleach. I started cleaning out my studio with bleach, and then when I was shaking out one of my hats the bug fell to the floor and instinctably I squished it (with my docs) and poured bleach all over it. Then moped again and realized I was supposed to be intense cramming for my exam. (By intense cramming I meant review the first few chapters I had forgotten.)
I changed my study spot after that and intensely studied.
On another note my hair extensions came in today. I'm quite happy with my lilac ones, however the other ones I bought I'm not really that impressed with. Well, I'm not impressed with the amount that came in although they are both amazing quality!
I'm going to a show tomorrow with one of my good friends who I haven't seen in a while. I'm pretty excited about it! I'll let you know how it goes.
On another note my hair extensions came in today. I'm quite happy with my lilac ones, however the other ones I bought I'm not really that impressed with. Well, I'm not impressed with the amount that came in although they are both amazing quality!
I'm going to a show tomorrow with one of my good friends who I haven't seen in a while. I'm pretty excited about it! I'll let you know how it goes.
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