
My friend Carysle passed away last night. I can't believe it. In fact I don't believe it. I'm shocked and upset but I don't know why it happened to him. Why now? Why him? But I don't blame God over this. God has his reasons. I hope that when I die I don't die suddenly that I have time to say goodbye time that Carysle didn't have. I feel really lightheaded since I've been told. My brother is waiting for the point where shit hits the fan for me, but so far it hasn't hit me. I had to tell a few friends and Professors the unfortunate news and they started to cry the minute I told them, but the person who told me very bluntly and straight to the point because I am a no bullshit person. I got very agressive I felt the floor slip from under me and I just leaned on the wall the world started spinning and I became very agressive. According to my brother I'm acting too nice for my own good. I keep reminding myself to breathe and that crying is a shortage of breath.
I remember the first time I met Carysle. I was nineteen years old. I had just decided on taking on the architecture major and had just transfered in into the school that I am currently at. I was a gothic kid who did not want to make any friends. Carysle would make fun of my gothic anti-social phase for years to come. I was in my architecture 121 class catching up on drawings when Carysle appeared out of nowhere and started talking to me. I dismissed his comments just as I had dismissed many others before, but every week before his class he would come and talk to me about assignments and we would work out the best way of approaching them. Before I knew it Carysle had become my first friend in a really long time.
Before I knew it four years had passed by and I'm proud to call Carysle my friend he believed in me in times when I didn't believe in anything. I don't think it was his time to go. He had many lives to affect and I will miss him. I will miss how he would talk about how much he hated any other color that wasn't grey because of his previous school. I will miss the long talks we had about the Avatar and how it related to architecture right outside the classroom. I will miss how we would gang up on people about them not being vegetarians. I will miss how when one of us was stressed out about the work that we were working on or our classes the other would sit silently and listen to the rampage and once that person had calmed down the silent one would help out the other. I will miss how our one professor made fun of Carysle and I for misspelling something on our drafts for our presentations. I will miss how even with a GPS and google maps we always managed to get lost and end up in buildings that looked like they came out of Robocop, or how he nagged me about planning to apply to my dream school in NY and saying how I should go with them and the rest of the Clan to SIU, and I told him how I needed to see something that wasn't Chicago anymore. That was one of the last conversations we had. I told him: "Carysle I was born here I was raised here and theres a good chance I will probably die here. I need to see the world." He said: "NAH! just come hang out and go to school with us at SIU!" and I laughed and said I wouldn't get anything done because I would be distracted having a good time with everyone. I miss him and I will always miss him. Carysle is one of my best friends and it won't hit me that he is gone until I walk back into that room and see the empty seat where he used to be.


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