

For as long as I can remember my Father always said to me to: "Fall in love with someone who loves you more than you love them." I think about this a lot. I've analyzed my parents to see if this is true and honestly I don't know because it seems like this concept applies to them, but I don't know if my parents are really only together because they feel like they are raising us correctly or because both of them fear being alone and that is something I've never had a problem doing. I've never had a problem being alone, and I think it's because my parents raised me to be overly independent, because they are both terrified of being by themselves. I have had relationships where I have loved the person more than they loved me, and I felt a loss of self control, and it sucks. I've also been in relationships where people have been more in love with me then I was with them and I'm not too sure about what my Father said.
My parents are only together because of a need that they have to not be alone since both of them grew up with no parents or parents that made them adults at an early age, so both of them resent being forced to be adults at an early age. Naturally when I came around I'm not sure if they were happy, or angry, because I was something that was theirs and their lack of time was due to all of their responsibilities they took on at an early age. I could never imagine doing that. I am now the age my parents were when they had me, and I can't even take care of myself much less alone raise a child at this particular moment. I have no stability until I finish school. I can't even imagine moving out because I made a promise when I was younger that I would only move out once. I was not going to move out then move back in with my parents I can't stand the thought of me failing on that area of my life.



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