"You did the right thing going to school because if you hadn't you would of regretted it by now."
Truthfully, I'm not sure. If I had taken the other path I wouldn't know if I would of regretted it. I'm studying now, but everyone in this field tells me that it isn't worth it and tries to stir me into another career. I followed the "do the right thing in life" path and honestly I'm not sure it was even worth it. I'm not writing this as a form of blaming others for what I did because ultimately I did it and I decided that I felt guilty so I took the imaginary "this is the correct way of life" path on my own. What I am saying with this blog and attempting to work out is: Do I want to keep living this way?
I have some things I would like to fix before bettering my situation.
Things I would like to fix before bettering my situation the list:
1.) I would like to graduate.I know I just said that this would be a drag, but I want to finish this even if it is what it is. I want to finish what I started.
2.) I want to pay off my school loan.
It's not a ridiculous loan, but as it is something that I did I want to get rid of this as soon as possible for my mental stability. I don't want to repeat my parents mistakes with creditors and I want this to be my only loan, and I want to pay it in full within a year, so that I can have financial freedom.
3.) I would like to work in my field for a bit.
I have never been one to be discouraged. However if I find that I truly do not like this field or it really wasn't worth my time then I will try something else but on my terms, or become a freelancer with all of the skills I have. However if it does work out and I do like the field then I will continue and not be discouraged.
4.) I want to live my life on my terms.
It is time that I make my decisions and stick by them so I can say with full confidence: this didn't go as planned, but it was my decision. (or) this went well, and it was a decision I took.
5.) At some point I need to take this blog seriously.
I realize that I don't write frequently, but what I do write I write honestly. I've never had a point where I felt like I was just writing something because I was forced to. In all honesty I started this blog to write about clothes, then I wanted to write about movies, and to be honest maybe I should bring the movies back because I enjoy writing about them. Also I was kind of hoping one day I would be big enough to receive pr packages, but as you all can read I've since abandoned that and decided to write honestly about things I think about.
I apologize for unloading right away in this new year.
Hope the few of you that still read this are doing well.
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