The Dreamers and the Thinkers.

Its been four years since my last big change. If I had been asked four years ago where I thought I would be in life right now I would of assumed that I would be finishing up school and working in business (it was my major four years ago.) I thought it would of been easy, but as I figured out these past four years its not. There are many types of people in the world two of these types of people are the dreamers, and the thinkers. The dreamers see one perspective of many; they are the types of people who will follow their hearts and they will hold out for their dreams even if it hurts them. However the thinkers are more prone to think over their actions (a bit much) to see what will get them forward academically or in what ever it is their goal is. At one point these two groups will cross each other and impact the others life. However my thoughts on this is the dreamers overwhelm the thinkers most of the times, because the thinkers are more of follow the rules of the book and they might come off as lifeless, but in reality they too have much to contribute.
I on the other hand was once a fool (that's not to say that I am not now, but a little less of one.) I pretended to be something I wasn't in order to fit in, and by pretended I include lie, offend, and many other things to people that in their own way care about me. I originally intended to start a blog four years ago where I would tell all of the wonderful lies, and life of the short lived life of (my then alias) Tony Murder. Now that I am older I am really embarrassed by it all. I pretended to be this shallow mean person to feel what it was like to fit in, and then when it got to the point where I couldn't handle it I left all of it behind (four years ago) and I didn't move on with my life I destroyed all of it every single remnant of it, I cleaned the slate and since I had forgotten what I was I had to relearn who I was, and get rid of who I had been because that was the only way I could of moved on with myself.
I thought I had it all figured out four years ago. I thought I had a pretty good idea what would of happened to me, but the reality is much different from that. I disappeared for two years or so and I really don't want to bore you with the crucial details of what happened those years. However for all of you who put me in the category of faint of heart I would reconsider these preconceived notions again.
I met a lot of people who I never thought I would of. I took a little part of these people that I met and always kept it with me. It was always a simple habit that they had and through that I was able to become less ignorant than what I was. I made a lot of acquaintances. Old acquaintances became friends who accepted me for who I really was, as I was figuring that out myself.
In the past year I have met these incredible people who don't have a problem for accepting themselves. I have met friends who suffered a great loss the types of losses that change you and don't leave you the same. The types of losses that change you. I have also met people who are lost or confused and have shared that with me, and I thank you for doing so. In a way the people I have met in the past four years we have shaped and molded each other into what we are for the time being. I have seen dreamers become thinkers and thinkers become dreamers. I'm still in disbelief that its been four years. I'm still learning, but someday I hope I am not someone that my future self will be ashamed of.
I apologize for rambling on about this its just its the anniversary of the due date I gave myself four years ago and I thought it was appropriate. I will have a happier blog post next time. Classes start tomorrow, but I don't have class until tuesday so its round three of the semi annual sale at Victoria's Secret and by the way last time I went I stuck to my budget and only spent $30. Well hope everyone is well if any one in the world reads my blog that is.



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