"I smile or I try."

Hey Gals and Guys!

Thankfully finals are over for most of you. I hope you all did well and if you didn't well there is always next time. I had finals last week while I was very critical about my work and this semester I actually kept up with my work for once in my life I think I did alright. I feel I could do better but what can I say "should of, could of, would of, didn't." It is what it is. I'm actually scared of next semester. I am going to be taking full time courses, and after a year of taking part time classes it scared me a bit. I am going to be taking classes from monday thru saturday, and I plan on working a double shift at work on sunday I am really worried about myself, however I also know that I also need the money, because it is a big help to be able to get my own things. I think what really concerns me is that I am taking a construction class and the professor is pretty tough, but I hope that I can impress this professor this semester (I've had this professor before and he is really good, however he will make you improve without babying you which is what I like.)

I have been so poor lately cars are expensive I'm thinking of getting rid of it I really don't use it and it seems the more I have it laying around the more the birthgiver thinks it means she can take it. At first I would fill up the gas and give the maintainence, but it honestly seems like the more I did it the more the birthgiver would take advantage of that. The birthgiver also known as the "transmission killer," grabs cars and messes up the transmittion without fail. Other than that I really don't have much to say this week. I'm sorry. Hopefully next week I'll have much more to say.



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