In Love and Death.

I slept until the absolute last possible minute I could before I had to go into work. However the whole day I couldn't get the fact that The Used were having a show here in Chicago on the 23rd. This is the band that got me through high school. The Used was like my religion for a very long time. This is one of the only bands that I can still listen to and I still feel the same as I did the first time I listened to them. Funnily enough I made my dad buy me the Used self title album and "In Love and Death," for me when I was fifteen. I liked both of these albums a lot in fact I have them in my top ten cd's everyone should own. I think at first I liked "In Love and Death" a lot because of the artwork (Alex Pardee: I just fell in love with the music. Everything in my eyes was and is still perfect. I'm still debating whether or not to go see them, but The Used are my adolescent dream. As you might of guessed I came home to listen to the Used. If you haven't listened to them I recommend that you do. This was my first video I saw by them and I saw it when I was eight.

By the way happy three kings day for those of you who also celebrate it. My brother and sister got twenty dollars from them. Which is awesome I forgot to leave my shoe out, because I was so tired, an overwhelming tired so I forgot, and I got nothing but that's alright. I'm so tired and I don't know really why.



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